domingo, 24 de febrero de 2008

Kraljevi Ulice & 75 Cents, representantes croatas

Anoche también se celebró la final del DORA 2008 y el grupo Kraljevi Ulice & 75 Cents lograron imponerse en una disputada final, con el tema "Romanca". Hasta el último minuto de la final no se decidió nada puesto que después de varias rondas de votaciones dos temas se encontraban empatados a 31 puntos. Según el reglamento de esta preselección, en caso de empate decide el mayor punto del jurado y la suerte cayó del lado de este grupo veterano.

Kraljevi ulice & 75 cents - Romanca 31 points
  1. Antonija Šola - Gdje je srce tu je dom 31 points
  2. Ivo Gamulin Gianni - Sanjam 25 points
  3. Bonaca & Nera - Tvoje oko za more duboko 24 points
  4. Maja Šuput - Lako zaljubljiva 22 points
  5. Tamara Obrovac - Amor 20 points
  6. Emilija Kokić - Anđeo 20 points
  7. Prva liga and druge - Vila 20 points
  8. Ivana Banfić - Mir 16 points
  9. Pero Galić - Otvori mi oči 15 points
  10. Giuliano - Plava vještica 14 points
  11. Diana Lovrin - Zažmirim i putujem 12 points
  12. Alen Islamović - Mirno spava kosa plava 11 points
  13. Maja Blagdan - Zvala sam ga anđele 10 points
  14. Hari Rončević - Ležim na suncu 6 points
  15. Dino i Bane - Milina 2 points


Vidis prijatelju, ja pamtim sve
i mogu ti reci da
izmedju ove i milion drugih pjesama
ne postoji razlika

Jer zivot taj, za nama brise tragove
u dobru noc, on pusta cudne vragove
pa svaki san je hladnim suncem obasjan
a sjecanja su skoro sva ugasnula
da pitas me
jos samo jedno znao bi
da boje sve
tek s ovom ribom postoje
a noc i dan
su nekoh stiha trag
i nestace kad nase pjesme izblijede

Zasvirajte nocas tu romancu
tiho, njezno da me razboli
tugu kad umire slavuj
kad se dusa s tijelom razdvoji
Zasvirajte nocas tu romancu
al polako da je cuju svi
neka opet sviraju gitare
vec odavno nisam sluso njih

Govore mi danas da sam u banani
tehnoloski otpad ko majmun na grani
a ja sam bio prvi internet na svetu
na brodovima s glazbom
umrezio planetu

Pamtim i sad sve snove svojih pjesama
sva mastanja
i lica sto su nestala
ko sjene su
jos dio mojih budjenja
zarobljena, u mene davno utkana

Zasvirajte nocas tu romancu
tiho, njezno da me razboli
tugu kad umire slavuj
kad se dusa s tijelom razdvoji
Zasvirajte nocas tu romancu
al polako da je cuju svi
neka opet sviraju gitare
vec odavno nisam sluso njih

Govore mi danas da sam u banani
tehnoloski otpad ko majmun na grani
a ja sam bio prvi internet na svetu
na brodovima s glazbom
umrezio planetu
ja ja ja ja ja sam bio prvi
internet na svetu

ja sam umrezio planetu

ja ja ja sam umrezio planetu
prvi internet na svetu

English Translation

See my friend, I remember all

and I can tell you that
between this and million of other songs
there is no difference

Because the life, erases traces behind us
in a good night, it releases strange devils
so every dream is illuminated with cold sun
and almost all memories have faded
if you ask me
I’d know only one thing
that all colours
only with this fish exist
and night and day
are a verse’s trace
and they will disappear when our songs fade away

Play the romance tonight
quietly, gently, to make the sorrow ache
when nightingale dies
when the soul separates from the body
Play the romance tonight
but slowly so that everyone can hear it
may the guitars play again
I haven’t listened to them in a long time

They’re telling me tonight that I’m in banana
techological waste like a monkey on a branch
and I was the first internet in the world
on ships with music
netted the planet

Even today I remember all the dreams of my songs
all fantasies
and faces that disappeared
they are like shadows
still a part of my awakenings
trapped, inwrought in me long ago

Play the romance tonight
quietly, gently, to make the sorrow ache
when nightingale dies
when the soul separates from the body
Play the romance tonight
but slowly so that everyone can hear it
may the guitars play again
I haven’t listened to them in a long time

They’re telling me tonight that I’m in banana
techological waste like a monkey on a branch
and I was the first internet in the world
on ships with music
netted the planet
I, I, I, I, I was the first
internet in the world
internet in the world
I netted the planet
first internet in the world

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